Friday, January 1, 2010

It is 2010!

Good evening everyone...hope the night went well for everyone and the New Year was brought in happily and those that chose to drink did so responsibly without driving:) I had a quiet night, a friend came over we watched "7 pounds" which is an awesome movie with Will Smith in it for those who may be interested and went to bed and asleep by 1am honestly.

Tonight just seems to be one of those rough nights where i just want to cry. I guess it comes with the package deal of separating from someone you've been with for 7 years but also i had my days mixed up and told the kids that daddy would be coming to pick them up tomorrow for a couple nights only to later realise that its Saturday NOT bad :( i guess i'll have to make it up to them...especially Sean.

I've been having to deal with Sean's attitude seems that its a constant power struggle between him and I over EVERYTHING! Does anyone else seem to have issues with their 6 yr olds? It seems as though everytime i turn around he's trying to pester his little sister or something..the worst right now is when i ask him to do something for example "could you make your bed Sean" and he screams, throws things and calls me mean mean mean mommy...i mean it hurts to have your kid screaming at you but at the same it really so much to ask to have a little bit of help around the house? especially in their own room? So I'm thinking i might start a chore/sticker chart up for him to see how that goes. Honestly i think part of his problem is school doesn't start back up til Wednesday and he misses his friends and having a break from his sisters.

My apartment is in serious need of a top to bottom cleaning i just dont know where to begin. With the little ones running around it feels overwhelming to know you've just spent hours cleaning only to turn it around and have it all destroyed again. I really don't know how families of 6-7 children do it!! Especially those with triplets etc...i guess it's one thing that you can say is never-endiing..oh yes and laundry too!


  1. We had a similar night, sat at the table with my man and had some wine/ beer.. Chatted and woke up hangover free :) LOL

    I have a power struggle every day with my kids and they are only 3 and 4!!

  2. haha hangover free is always the best when you have kids!
